Monday, October 20, 2008

2nd Annual Paddle & Float

Our 2nd Annual Paddle & Float was held on the Memphis Queen III riverboat on October 2, 2008. The event included great food, excellent music from Delta Blues pianist Eden Brent, and the film premiere of The Fort Pillow Story, produced by Willy Bearden. The main star of the show was, of course, the sunset on our mighty Mississippi River.

On deck for the sunset

Deck Crowd 10-02-08

Tipton County Represented 10-02-08

Paddle & Float Guests10-02-08

Tina & Friend 10-02-08

Randy H 10-02-08

Happy Couple 10-02-08

Willy & Cheryl Bearden

Willy & Cheryl Bearden 10-02-08

Memphis Skyline 10-02-08

Joe & Carol Lee Royer

Joe & Carol Lee Royer 10-02-08

Paddle-n-Float 10-02-08

New Moon 10-02-08

Eden Brent

Eden Brent 5 - 10-02-08

Sax & Drums 10-02-08

Nernii, Garland and Estie dance it up

Dancing 10-02-08

And we celebrated a few birthdays while we were at it!

Birthdays 10-02-08


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Great pics..nice to see you people enjoying..

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